
Monday, May 4, 2015

Replaced clutch cable

The day after my 430 mile day trip, I noticed that the clutch cable was out of adjustment.  I started to adjust it, but realized that the top adjustment was maximized.  When I inspected it at the engine end I found that it had been rubbing on the adjustment bolt because the mount was not holding it in the right position.  Thank God it didn't break yesterday, or any other day last week!  The previous cable (assuming it was original) had a little over 9000 miles on it.

Its hard to tell, with the rubber boot, if the alignment is okay
Just a few drops of motor oil, using a cable tie to drip it

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Gloss Mountain State Park, Oklahoma

Today I clocked 430 miles on the bike, round trip from Norman to Gloss Mountain State park and Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge.  Gloss Mountain was awesome to behold, and today was a perfect day.  Crosswinds near the salt plains were horrible, and the salt flats were uninspiring to me.

I met a few very nice people.  A lady named Suzy who owns a pharmacy in Fairview who would not let me pay for a soda and stayed late talking to me.  Three separate times, while I was looking at my phone or map guys stopped to ask if I needed directions or help.  One guy pulled up in an old Land Rover to compliment my bike, and he was a R1150GS owner.  Another guy gave me directions and he has a couple old Hondas (cb550 and cl360).

I got stuck and had to remove my panniers to lighten up and pull the bike out by hand.

I dropped it three times while trying to pull it backwards
Finally, I did get the bike un-stuck and turned around.

Too bad, I would have loved to get a some salt flat pictures of the bike.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Fort Reno

My plan for tomorrow is to ride to Glass Mountains State Park.  Today I rode about half way there and turned around at Fort Reno.   Fort Reno was used as a POW camp during WWII, according to the lady in the visitor center.  Looks like a very interesting place to visit but i have no time right now.